Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bench and Gun Cabinet coming soon!

Making another bench and starting a custom gun cabinet this weekend. Check back for updates. Project details and photo's will be on the links to the right!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Table delivered yesterday!

Customer loved it. I was very happy to see and very surprised at her comment that it was better than the Pottery Barn table she had looked at. It didn't sink in until we were driving home. Funny thing is - since I made the table I kept asking my wife "Do you think she will like it" referring to the customer... my Wife kept telling me I was being to critical of my work and the customer would love it. I was nervous going to deliver it and as we pulled up felt butterflies in my stomach. "What if she hates it?" - "What if she is not happy with the table?"... From the moment we uncovered it in the back of the truck, as we set it up and then left she kept saying how beautiful it was, what amazing work I do and how much she loved it. Considering this customer knows a lot about startup businesses and advises new business owners for a living I took this as a great compliment from someone who knows. As we drove home we looked at each other and I told my wife "We did it. We started a business!" I know we have delivered things before but for some reason all the past weeks activity and projects came to a peak. Everything we had been working on was now in the hands of the customers who bought them. We were getting great feedback and a lot of new interest. We made a few stops on the way home to look at a storefront space. Here goes!